
Final fantasy ost mort
Final fantasy ost mort

Now, replace the rock bands and concerts with mercenary bands and killing monsters. Imagine this: legendary rock bands that have disbanded-such as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, or Nirvana-coming back for one more tour. As of now, I’m calling Kings of the Wyld one of the best fantasy debuts of all time. Make sure you read this book no matter what. I won’t I have a Booktube channel now! Subscribe here: Įvery avid fantasy reader, pay attention and let me do you a favor. I have a Booktube channel now! Subscribe here: Every avid fantasy reader, pay attention and let me do you a favor. I hope this addresses your question! Thank you so much for asking it, as I really do appreciate the chance to address this very important topic. Having written a book about five male friends, I can assure you that its sequel, BLOODY ROSE, will feature women far more prominently, though none of them will be (just as none of us are) perfect.Īnd come to think of it, no one in that book is very wise either. The story may not be about them, but it would suck without them.ĭiversity, inclusion, and representation (especially in the fantasy genre!) are important to me, and if I'm lucky enough to make a career out of writing, it will be a career that works to forward all of those things. Although my core 'band' is made up of dudes, I think the female characters that surround them are funny, flawed, adorable, badass, powerful, vulnerable, resilient, capable, and awesome. And I like when someone who does something bad has a justifiable (even to them) reason for doing so, and I'd say this applies to both my male and female characters. While his friends cast blame on her, Matrick knows inside that he's just as shitty a husband as she is a wife. She felt unloved, and cheated of the man she thought she was marrying. Minor spoiler: I intentionally tried (by way of Matty's words later in the book) to give Matrick's wife, who had five children with other men, a legitimate reason for doing so. She's just looking after herself and no one else-something I believe is justified by her past. Also, one of the most dangerous and deadly characters, Larkspur, is by no means evil. I tried to give every 'bad' character, male or female, a sympathetic side, and I'd even argue that Jain (outside of being a bandit) is one of the best and most moral characters in the whole book. Will I do better in future books? You're goddamn right I will!Īlas, when your five protagonists are male and it's important to you (in this case, me) to feature women as well, they've gotta be antagonists. Does it have enough women in the book for my liking? No, it doesn't. The thing is, KINGS OF THE WYLD is about five male friends, an old mercenary band, that get together after a long retirement. Moog's probably the best of the bunch, if you don't count obsessive fixation and arrested development as flaws =) I certainly didn't go out of my way to make the women worse. I'd say most of the main characters have a shade of horrible in them: one's a murderer, another a drunk, Gabe is a negligent father (or has been, until now), Clay has a brutally violent nature he can't always suppress. Legit question! To begin with, I actually don't believe there are any especially wise people in this book! It's sort of about people making unwise decisions in the name of friendship, family, and love, so-Wait!. Nicholas Eames Heya! Legit question! To begin with, I actually don't believe there are any especially wise people in this book! It's sort of about people making unwis …more Heya!

Final fantasy ost mort